Can we grab dinner, or a glass of water? -Stephen Colbert, Host and Humorist

I still love Steven Colbert, even though just after his postcard response arrived in the mail a new feature appeared on The Late Show: Just One Question. And featuring a logo that looks suspiciously like mine… I admit, it’s an honor, even though I think they should do me a solid and have the actual Question Project on the show. Yes, let’s get some water and talk about all these fascinating questions, Stephen!

What's your name? -Dear Abby, Advice Columnist

“What is your name?” seems an innocent question, but as I looked into the history of the Dear Abby column, I found her own answer is surprisingly complex. First, I thought that I was smart learning that her real name was Abigal Van Buren, but it turns out that is a pseudonym as well. She was born Pauline Esther Friedman, identical twin to Esther Pauline Friedman. Why is that important? Because twin Esther went on to become Ann Landers! And in a final twist, since the year 2000 it has been Pauline’s daughter Jeanne Phillips penning the nationally syndicated advice. Dear Abby is truly a woman of mystery.